Core Technology
Core technologies to support the foundations of the EV platform businesses
The car-making at GLM is built on two pillars: the finished vehicle business and the EV platform business. Both businesses are indispensable. We reflect the expertise and know-how acquired through our finished vehicle businesses into our platform businesses and vice versa. We incorporate new technologies and insights we gain in our EV platform businesses into our finished vehicle businesses. By connecting and developing the two pillar businesses in a way the two influence each other, we bring values that no other companies can offer.
Lately, have you come across a fun car you want to get?
Our members got together at GLM, hoping “to produce automobiles that are truly satisfactory to them” because they were not happy with the plannings, products, or directions of their previous Japanese OEMs (automobile manufacturers) while working to develop and design cars. In our EV platform businesses, we work closely with the companies in favor of our philosophy and make vehicles more attractive and fun.